"I wish I looked like her."
"I wish I looked like you."
"She's beautiful, I wish I looked like that."
I wish. I wish. I wish.
It's something we, as women, have all said at one point or another. It's something we, as women, have most likely commented on another girls Instagram picture. While the girl you are talking about might beautiful, recognizing your own beauty is so important, especially in an age where appearance on social media is everything.
Everyone always tells you "Don't compare yourself to the celebrities" or "Don't compare yourself to girls in magazines" or "Don't compare yourself to the girls on TV." What no one ever says is "Don't compare yourself to the girl from high school you follow on Instagram" or "Don't compare yourself to the girl who you sit next to in math class."
Everyone is beautiful in their own way. That may be the most cliche thing a person can say when talking about beauty but, it is so true.
The boy you are Snapchatting might not answer your Snapchat, or you might catch the boy you think is cute talking to another girl. That does not mean you aren't beautiful.
You might not get hundreds of likes on your Instagram or hundreds of likes on your Facebook profile picture. That does not mean you are aren't beautiful.
You don't need to look like her. You shouldn't wish you look like her. You should be happy with who you are and how you look. You are beautiul, start believing that.