In the world we live in today, there is a lot of wishing going on. “I wish I was healthier.” “I wish I had more money.” “I wish I could be as fit as her.” “I wish I could get better grades.” (etc.). While wishing is okay for a little bit, it doesn’t get you very far in life. You could wish for all that you want, but without taking steps to achieve that wish, there’s not much of moving forward that you are going to do. The other day, I found myself guilty of wishing for things and just hoping they would somehow come into play in my life. Wishing and wishing, but not moving forward. That is when I realized something..
Why am I wishing for something that I am not working to achieve?
Wishing I had a better body, but not going to the gym. Wishing I had a job, but not exploring my options. Wishing I would be healthier, but having pizza for dinner. Those are only a few examples of how the human mind likes to work. This right here is another reason why the ever so famous “New Year's Revolutions” never end up working out. In the society we live in today, everything is given to us so quickly that taking time to work for something is not even a thought in the average human's vocabulary. The thing is, not all minds have to be set like that. For the longest time I would just ‘expect’ things to work out with little to no work, and when they didn’t, I would get discouraged. If I have learned one thing this year it is for sure that it takes hard work and dedication to achieve what you want in life. While dedication and hard work are critical in improving yourself, there is one thing in front of everything that needs to be considered when it comes to achieving goals, and that is to…
Always put forward a good, positive mindset.
If you walk into a job interview with the mindset that you aren't going to get the job, I hate to say it, but you most likely will not be scoring that job. That also goes for other things like getting healthy. If you go to the gym with a bad attitude and don’t put in your all, you won’t be getting to the fullest potential you have. I must say, there have been multiple times in the past I have pushed for improvement with a bad mindset, and like you would guess, the results were not great. With a good, positive mindset, not only will you be happier while achieving your goals, but you also will be successful in doing so. A good mindset never fails. Beginning to put my best foot forward and start DOING instead of WISHING truly has made my life better and I can see improvement every day, and hopefully will continue to see it as I keep moving forward. So, don't waste any more of your life wishing you could be better. Get up, put your best self forward, and be the best you that you know you can be! I said it once and I'll say it again..
Stop wishing, start doing.