How many times a day do you hear someone say "I can't wait for the weekend" or " I can't wait until today is over"? How many times have you yourself said those exact words? How many times do we get caught up thinking about the future that we forget to actually live in the present? Everyone is so busy looking forward to things happening in the future that we let our lives pass by without making the most of each day. So what if Mondays aren't your favorite day of the week? If you're always determined to be in a bad mood on Mondays and you rush through them with your head down then you are essentially missing out on 1/7th of your life.
Please stop wishing your life away. Stop wishing it was tomorrow. Stop wishing today was over already. Stop wishing it was the weekend. Stop wishing that it was already Christmas break. Live in this moment. Live in today. Make the most of every precious second that you are given. Do things that make you happy. Stay on top of your school work. Don't forget to call your loved ones and tell them you love them. Don't forget to just look around you and take in all the beauty that this world has to offer. Don't forget to love yourself.
Time goes by too quickly anyways so stop wishing it would go by even faster. Soon enough you'll look back on your life and wish you could go back and live it all over again, so make the most of every experience you can. You only get one chance to make to live your life to the fullest.
Think before you say you wish today was over already. Think before you say you wish you would hurry up and turn 21 already. Think before you wish your life away.