“I can't wait until this weekend.”
“Spring Break is only a few months away!”
“My birthday is coming up!”
“Only two more hours then I’m done with work for the day.”
“I’ll start my diet on Monday.”
It seems like we are always waiting for something. We have calendars counting down days, timers getting ready to remind us of something and clocks dictating our daily activities. Our days are consumed with checking our watches or asking what time it is. I am pretty sure I check my phone every 20 minutes to check the time, even if I don’t have a reason to. I’m waiting to start my diet, I’m waiting to go on a road trip, I’m waiting to text that boy back. Why am I waiting? Stop waiting. Do something now.
Why are we so obsessed with time and waiting for something to happen? So many amazing experiences and opportunities may fly right under our noses because we are so focused on something we are waiting for. Our lives are full of schedules and routines that we do not leave room for the unexpected. So many people struggle with living in the present because they are so focused on the future. I know I even struggle with this. I spend so much time worrying about the future and what is going to happen that I cannot fully enjoy what is right in front of my eyes. The future eventually becomes the present, and we miss out on what we were waiting for because we are looking forward to what's next.
Why can’t you start your diet on a Thursday? Get a head start on that healthy lifestyle. Why don’t you go on that road trip this weekend? You’re not getting any younger. Please stop waiting to text that boy. Text him now to show him you’re confident and don’t play games.
I understand you can't make summer come any faster and you would love to get out of class now, but why don’t you enjoy the moment? You're not going anywhere, so you might as well have a good time.
Waiting is inevitable. We have to wait for our Easy Mac to cook in the microwave and for Friday afternoon to turn into Friday night. Instead of doing nothing and just focusing on what is going to happen, focus on what is happening. Live in the present. The future will come eventually, but the present is right here, right now. Check it out.