Some people say you cannot love someone until you love yourself and although it is bullshit there is a reason why it is said. You love people differently when you love yourself first. Trust me on that. I have loved when I did not love myself and I have loved while loving myself and the difference is astounding. So please do yourself a favor and stop waiting for others to love and start giving that love to yourself.
Trust me that fuckboy you love who never makes it clear how he feels is not worthy of any of your love. Do not settle and give all your love to him. Do not settle and give your love to your shitty friends that are only there at their convenience. They do not deserve your love either. There is no one in this world who is as worthy of your love than yourself. So why do you put them on pedestals yet treat yourself so poorly? At the end of it all, you are your lifes' greatest journey. So love yourself as if that is true.
It sounds so simple to have self-love but in reality it can be one of the most difficult things to do. It is so much easier to point out all the flaws and imperfections in yourself than to point out all the amazing qualities in you. That is why a lot of people look for this reassurance in others, which to do occasionally is okay. We all need a little reassurance from time to time but when you start solely relying on reassurance from others about yourself that is when you know you need to stop giving away so much love and start keeping some for yourself.
Once you start loving yourself more you can start loving other people better. It sounds bizarre but it is true. I love completely differently now then I did before, now that I love myself. I have such loving and happy relationships with my friends and boyfriend now because they are all in my life because I want them to be, not because I need them to. Which trust me is such a freeing feeling. Ever since I started giving myself more love my whole life seems to be falling into a happier healthier place and I would not trade it for the world.
So to the girl reading this who has the fuckboy and shitty friends please stop giving them love and start loving yourself. To the girl who always worries about everyone else, try worrying more about yourself sometimes. To the girl who always feels the need to be perfect, start embracing your imperfections more. To the girl who feels lonely, love yourself and I bet you'll be way less lonely. To the girl just trying to live life to the fullest just love yourself and happiness will find you.