Why wait on Friday when you dread Monday's? Why wait on something when you can just have it whenever you want! This is an important lesson that I believe we should all note. Instead of waiting on something to come to you, just go out there and get it NOW! Why settle for less on something when you know you can do something about it. My parents would constantly tell me over and over, if you do not like how things are going right now, go do something about it NOW! I know that sounds like such a parental thing to say, but they never lied.
If you truly do want to go after something, you shouldn't just wait for an opportunity to do something about it. If you're unhappy with the current situation that you're in, why are you waiting for that ONE thing to do something? You should be taking in what you have control over instead of focusing on what you WANT control over. This is also important to note. I think by taking each day step by step, you will get exactly where you want to be. I know little words may not be a lot, but at least it's the truth. Just because you see someone else achieving at something does not mean that there is something wrong with you.
I believe that everyone has their timing on everything, just because your timing for certain things is not here yet does not mean that there is always something wrong with you. STOP IT! It just means that you're not set out to do everything that you want at the moment. With everything that happened last year, I realized that by having everything you want at the same time, it won't always bring you happiness. It will actually overwhelm you with unnecessary stress that you don't need.
Never make regrets, anything that you want because, in the end, you will certainly thank yourself in the long run. As I'm still going through that process on a regular basis, I know that I will certainly be satisfied in the end.