I am a feminist. And I know that word and that title freaks people out. Feminism gets a bad rap from the media and who they choose to represent as 'feminists'.
Many people believe feminists are angry, man-haters who never want to have kids or get married. They think that being a feminist means that you have to give up your femininity or live in a nunnery. Some people believe it's only for women. But that is so far from the truth.
Here are 8 misconceptions about feminism- that maybe will help you look at the idea from a new perspective.
1. Feminism means women are better than men.
GiphyFeminism, by definition, means equality. That men and women are treated fairly and justly, regardless of their gender.
2. You can't get married or have kids.
GiphyBeing a feminist does not mean you have to give up your idealistic life or being a mother or caring for your husband. It's about having a choice in the matter. Women shouldn't be forced into roles they don't want or be shamed for wanting what they want.
3. It's only for women.
GiphyMen are a vital part of the feminist standpoint. How can we enact change if we don't even include the other gender?
4. It's just about protesting.
GiphyProtesting is one way for people to make a statement. But there are little ways you can be a feminist. It's acting in a way that is respectful of everyone, it's voting for the right people into office, it's raising your children as humans
5. White feminism= feminism.
GiphyIntersectional feminism is what we need to be learning about. Race, age, gender, nationality, and sexuality are vital in conjunction with feminism.
6. You can't wear dresses or makeup.
GiphyY'all can wear whatever you want and still fight for equality.
7. Feminism doesn't help men.
GiphyMen are impacted too. With ending gender roles, women and men are free to break out of stereotypes.
8. Everything's fixed. We don't need feminism.
GiphyOh my, how silly you are if you think we are in a post-feminist world. What's it like?
So, if you support equal rights, guess what? You're a feminist.
It doesn't have to be a big scary thing. It's simply the idea that every gender should be treated with respect and fairness. It's standing up for injustice and demanding better. It's letting people know they are heard.