For the majority of my life thus-far I have tried to please everyone that I have come across. It took me way too long to realize that there is not need to please everyone, and no need for everyone to like you.
In life there will always be people who you do not like for no reason and there will be people who do not like you for no reason. Once you learn to accept that, you can begin living your life how YOU want, you will be happier, and life will just seem simpler.
It is normal to want to be liked, but it isn't necessary. This does't mean you should be selfish and neglect what other people like. Remain kind hearted, be nice, and do kind things out of the goodness of your heart. But don't allow people to walk all over you. Just because you want someone to like you, doesn't mean that they can be rude to you. Stand up for yourself. Be who you are. And be proud of who you are.
When it comes to finding people who like you, it really only matters if the people you care about like you. Don't go out of your way to get someone to like just because of how other people see them or just because you think they would be someone you want to be friends with because 9/10 times if someone doesn't like you to begin with and you force a friendship, that friendship will end badly.
Do whatever is best for YOU and don't let anyone else control YOUR life or YOUR emotions. Be true to who you are because there is only one you. Don't try to be like anyone else because everyone else is trying to do whats best for them as well.