The day that I stopped trying to impress everyone was one of the best days of my life.
I let go of everyone else's expectations of my life and I set my own. I set my own goals and I rewarded myself when I achieved them. I didn't check in with others to see if they agreed with what I was doing. I didn't search for their validation anymore.
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Now, I feel free. I have escaped form the chains that once held me down from succeeding. I ran far past the shadows that haunted me and construed my reality and I reached the happy bright light.
The harsh reality of it all is that you will never be able to please everyone, so why waste your time and energy? Life is already hard enough as is. You can accept advice from the people around you but stop seeking for validation, for those people won't be pleased with every choice you make.
I have caused myself so much heartache from trying to please people that will never be proud or happy with me. I have broke my back for these people to receive back-handed comments. Until the day that I realized this is my life, not theirs, and I get to live it how ever I want.
In the end you need to make the choice that is best for you, whether everyone else likes it or not. Living for yourself is not a selfish act. There comes a time when you just have to let go of the toxicity in life. I guarantee you this will make people bitter, but those that understand will stay.
When I left the toxic people behind in my life there was a lot of backlash, because I was no longer kissing their *ss. When they realized they could no longer walk all over me and control me as they pleased they used everything they had against me, but my life has never been better.
Doing what I needed to do let me know who my real friends were. I am very happy to be around with those who have stayed through my major life changes. I had to learn the hard way, but at least I learned.
Break free from the chains of validation and quit searching for the key out. Enjoy the fresh air and know that the world is in the palm of your hand. Seek validation from yourself, and you will never be disappointed, you will only learn from your mistakes.