In a world where it isn't unusual to see someones entire personality based around how they appear on the outside, it is also very common for many of us to change on the inside as well to fit someone else's mold. Throughout high school I never worried about what people thought, or how I appeared to people, I just knew I was being me.
My first semester of college was a different story. I didn't have many friends coming in, and when I found people who I thought were my fit, I needed a reality check to realize I wasn't being myself at all. In fact, I hated the person I was becoming.
Over winter break after my first semester, I did major reconstruction to my life, I decided no matter what, when I returned back to campus, I was gonna be fully me, no matter what.
So if you're like me, or just struggling to be yourself in general, here are a few reasons to stay true to you!
No matter who you are, remember you are valued by someone, and staying true to yourself is the best feeling you will ever receive.