So, it's your first day of college; you walk into the dorm, fresh faced and ready to take on whatever challenge the world may hurl at you. After numerous floor meetings and appointments, you start to get a feel for the people around you. Some are talkative, and manage to liven up every conversation that you get going with them. Others are quiet, reserved; they like to read for sport and keep to themselves. I know the second type because, truly, I'm exactly like that. I spent the first month of college trying so hard to fit in; running my mouth to whoever would listen, spouting out random facts about my life that I'm sure no one cared about. Then, it hit me. I didn't need any of that. I didn't need to pretend to be loud and bubbly; I could just be. My circle of friends now is very different; some of us are talkative and lead the conversation, while others silently input their opinion. I think that we as people work so hard to maintain an "image" that we forget how lonely it truly is to be five different people all at once. So, reel in the clone personalities. Stick to your gut. If you want to talk about Harry Potter for hours on end, I promise you you will find someone who thinks the same way.
Everyone has a difficult time shaping their image and making their mark, but sometimes you gotta sit back and let your life shape itself around you. Don't try so hard to mold yourself at people's will because then you're just putty. It's okay to be exactly who you wish to be because if you are not truly invested in who you are as a human being, others will turn away from you. There's different ways to make friends; you can always be who they need you to be, and force yourself to share a common ground. Whether it's pretending to be heavily involved in sports, theater, or fake reading in order to impress someone, remember that you're really not being yourself in the process. So what if you hate reading? So what if you can't tell a baseball and softball apart? So what if the current TV show obsession is not your thing? Be yourself. I know that's a cliche of the highest proportions but there is no better way to put it than in those two simple words.
It's more than okay to not be in everyone's good books; not everyone is going to like you, and you realize that much more in a college setting, where we are surrounded by people who are our age and have similar qualities as us. Whether it's reasons of jealousy, intimidation, or just plain not being able to understand someone, differences are going to happen. And people, they will fight. But don't let it get to you.
Because if you're being you, then nobody should be able to take anything away.