Here's a tip: If a girl rejects you, that does not mean that you need to try harder or come up with another strategy.
It means that you need to leave her alone because she isn't interested. Constantly attempting will not make the situation any better.
This goes for all levels. Whether you're trying to talk to someone in person or sending them messages online, no means no. A lack of a response means no.
I shouldn't have to give you a mountain of excuses for you to leave me alone. I also shouldn't have to say that I have a boyfriend to get you to finally stop, even if I don't actually have one.
Because for some reason you respect the fact that I "belong" to another man than you do of me as a human being.
I don't want to hangout. I don't want to go on a date. I don't want to have sex with you.
If I say no, that doesn't mean that everyone else needs to tell me to "give him a chance" or "just take one for the team." I'm not going to subject myself to a situation that I don't want to be in just because someone else is uncomfortable.
I shouldn't have to put myself through a situation just because I'm afraid of what the person is going to do next. I shouldn't be afraid of violence as a reciprocation of saying no.
Yet this is what women face every single day and it's laughed off as a joke or being overdramatic.
This is exactly what happened with the Santa Fe shooting. Now the female student (who is dead, mind you) is being chastised for not accepting his advances.
Why should we be faced with the decision of forced romance/sexual advances or death? Why is that the world we are living in?
To any man who continues to push and push until they get desired results: stop. Women do not owe you anything and they have the right to say no. Asking twice won't change our minds. Move on and find someone else.