So theres some things I need to get off my chest and it has to do with the fact that because I have a certain hair color, I am stapled and named as the dumb girl who has no clue how to do anything because all she does is party. Now, I do have my moments, but in no way shape or form is this who I am. So I am here to break this stigma that the world seems to have about me because it seriously needs to die.
"Blondes are so dumb."
I get it, there have been some very dumb people in the media that also have blonde hair but that does not mean that we are all dumb. Throughout my life, I have held an above average G.P.A. and was in honors classes, AP classes, and other accelerated programs. I graduated in the top 15% of my high school class and received awards for honors in both math and science. I also received a half tuition scholarship to a private college so no, I would not say that I am dumb. I will admit that I don't really have a filter and I tend to not think but that doesn't make me dumb; it just means that when I am having fun I'm not analyzing every single thing that I say because I am trying to relax and not think so much.
"Blondes can't do anything or be responsible for things."
Once again, the media just portrays blondes as these delicate little people that get everything handed to them. Well, thats just false. Look at ANYONE in the media, and I bet you they get most of their things handed to them and they aren't blonde (I mean come on, the Kardashians dye their hair a lot but none of them are naturally blonde, and they basically get paid to breathe). I like to say that I have accomplished a lot and that I am actually pretty responsible for an 18 year old college student. In high school I balanced school work, theatre shows, volleyball, and color guard. Now, those are all very time consuming activities that literally made it so that I would be at school from 7:30 AM to 9:30 PM most days. Now I'm in college and I am currently balancing 5 classes, an E-board position for my schools improv club, President of my class, and Social/Harm Reduction Chairman of my sorority. So yeah, I can handle a lot, and I kick ass at it too.
"But you're blonde so like, don't you just party and sleep around with guys?"
This is probably my favorite because in SO many movies there is always the slutty blonde yet, most of the more promiscuous girls that I have known in my life, aren't blonde. I don't get why its always that way in the movies and shows. Like, anyone that knows me knows I am NOT that girl so why do others just assume and tell me that I am. Excuse me? Do you know me? No! So stop assuming that because I am out on a Saturday night that I am instantly hitting on you. I am out to have a good time with my friends and just have fun because I do a lot of things so I need a few hours to just be free of all of the different jobs that I have.
It is time to break stigmas and go against stereotypes. We as people are not what others tell us we are, so don't believe them. Run for that position, go to that party, do whatever makes you happy and just let the world deal with it.