Have you ever been strung along by someone for so long that you started to wonder what game they’re playing? Have they made you feel that you weren’t good enough? Have you always put them first because of your feelings but known it wasn’t reciprocated? Have you settled with being their last option in hopes that one day they will wake up and want to make you their first priority? You aren’t the only one who asks these questions to themselves but still does nothing about it.
Why do we allow ourselves to be treated like this when we know we are better than being a last option? You would be more than enough for someone else, so why are you allowing yourself to get hurt over and over by one person who at the end of the day, wouldn’t be there for you. You spend hours thinking about them and wanting them that you've lost yourself in the process
You start to begin to wonder if you are just crazy or obsessed because the feelings aren't reciprocated. You tell yourself to stop and not to text them first, but they always come back and reel you back in. You know these people are wrong for you, yet you still plan your lives around them anyway. We all do this. We all have someone who has played this game with us. You deserve better. You are better than that.
Many people who get hurt over and over allow themselves to settle for someone who will always be unattainable or treat them with less respect than what they deserve. It has become a game; the love game. You want what you can’t have, and they don’t want what is standing right there in front of them. It’s human nature to act this way, but that doesn’t mean it won’t hurt the longer you keep playing the game.
You may think that you’re getting played, used and taken advantage of, and these are all probably 100% true. You may think that the player is the only one in the game, however, you are very much a competitor. Your biggest competition is yourself. You are playing yourself by giving yourself false hope and expectations. Do yourself a favor, win the game. Let go of this person who has been toying with your emotions and keeping you there for convenience for so long.
Think about the person who will come along one day and treat you like you have treated everyone else. There is something you have to do first… You have to love yourself. Choose yourself. Don’t let the cheaters and the manipulators win your game. This is your win to take. Love yourself. Spend time and money on yourself. Plan your life around yourself, no one else. By doing this, someone will eventually come along and want to play your game too. Don't let these selfish manipulative people who thrive on attention control your mind and life. So stop the vindictive mind games and start being the playmaker of your own game.