I do not want children. Could I possibly change my mind? Yes. Is it anyone's business to tell me that I will? NO.
One of the most insulting and frustrating things I hear as a young woman is "You never know" or "You'll change your mind". I've heard it from my friends, family, and people I consider to be neither. Having children is a lifelong responsibility that I do not want nor do I see myself wanting in the future. Some might say that it's selfish considering that are millions of women who would like to have children but can't. Is it not more selfish to bring a child into this world just because I can?
By telling me that it is inevitable that I change my mind about a decision that solely affects my life and no one else's, it's as though you question my ability to make rational decisions for myself.
Will I change my mind about being pescatarian after making the decision at ten years old? MAYBE. Is it anyone's business that I do? NO
Will I decide that getting piercings and tattoos was a bad idea? MAYBE. Is it anyone's business that I do? NO
If you wouldn't tell me I'd change my mind about these decisions, don't do it about my decision to not want children.
This isn't to say that I don't like children. I have what seems like an endless number of children in my life and I love them all dearly. I love more that I can hand them back and not worry about every single aspect of their lives.