Men like Brock Turner are a virus. Not any person should be afraid to live their lives because of people like Brock Turner. Even worse, people like Brock Turner shouldn't get away with the things they've done...but they do.
We shouldn't be talking about Brock Turner, we should be talking about the thousands of cases just like Brock Turners. No, I don't agree with his punishment. No I don't care that he can't eat his favorite snacks. For the rest of his life, he must live with himself knowing that he manipulated an innocent and confused human being. He took advantage of her and ruined her life. It was him that decided to do these things, and he is the one to blame.
That evening of the rape, the victim had a few too many drinks. She decided it was time to head home and didn't think anything of it. The worst part about this whole thing is that she trusted those around her. Any stranger driving by in a car, she was not afraid, the people at the party, she did not fear. No one should ever have to live in fear, but we do because of people like Brock Turner.Victims of rape and sexual assault are faced with the reality that something horrible has been done to them and there is no reason as to why it has happened. According to some people, like the father of Turner, these things happen because of alcohol. According to studies, science, and common sense, I've learned that rape is not an effect of alcohol. Rape is the effect of a twisted mind of someone who does not know how to control themselves. Rape is the effect of a rapist.
People like Brock Turner blamed the alcohol, said the victim consented, and acted as though that night should not be affecting his entire life and his long gone swimming career. People like Brock Turner are sick, and will never have an answer as to why they manipulated someone. But when they do give some reason, it will never suffice.
We need to stop talking about Brock Turner and start talking about the people that are like Brock Turner. This 20 something year old has sacrificed his entire career based on one night. One night that defined him as a rapist. This is happening everywhere, and no one should get away with this. But they do. People like Brock Turner are put on a pedestal. They crave the attention and feel as though it was a mere mistake. People like this are toxic, and unfortunately they're all around us.
We need to stop talking about Brock Turner and start talking about the heroes and the survivors. If it weren't for Peter Jonsson and Carl Arndt, there would be no justice at all. If you are informed about or a victim of rape or sexual assault, tell someone. Don't let people like Brock Turner get away with it.
It can happen to anyone.