Life is hard sometimes. As much as you want to climb to the top of that victory mountain, life throws a curve ball and you find yourself at the bottom again. Don't sweat the small stuff––that's what I always say. If it's meant to be, it will be. Let's look back on some of the rough waves on my sailing trip to paradise. I hope I can motivate you to keep pushing through to that light at the end of the tunnel.
1. When I studied two weeks for an exam and received a D.
As much as it stunk to see that bad grade on a test I studied so hard for, I didn't give up. I studied harder and found new approaches to studying. I ended that semester with an A. I know you can get through your tough classes, too. Never give up.
2. When the doctor told me I was overweight.
According to some, I do not fit our society's standards of a beautiful woman. Who cares? I eat healthy, exercise, sleep, and enjoy my life! I am not overweight; I am healthy. As long as we are happy with ourselves, all the other opinions do not matter. I will do what I want, and so should you. I believe in you!
3. When my boyfriend's plane was late.
As much as I love staying up way past my bedtime (which I do not), at least the plane landed safely. I am so beyond thankful that my amazing guy flew all the way up from Tennessee to Minnesota to see me! Everyone has unexpected blips in their plans, but that's what plan B is for! Everything works out in the end. Don't sweat it! Take a deep breath and keep swimming!
4. When I requested work off and it was denied.
Have your ever tried to get work off for something important and it gets denied? It stinks, right? I thought it was the end of the world for a second! Then I decided to be proactive, and went searching for ways to get those days off! Eventually I found someone who would take my shifts. Can you just imagine the possibilities in your life if your just put effort into it? Put on those big kid pants and go rock the socks off the world!
5. When I got a sunburn on my one day off from work.
I went outside for two hours after my summer class––to study! By the time I went inside, boom! I had a sunburn. I never let that get the best of me. I just lathered myself in soothing aloe and went on with my day! A sunburn can be like an embarrassing experience. It hurts for a while and you feel bad about yourself, not to mention you're in pain (physical and emotional), but eventually that burning feeling goes away and you forget about it all together. That sunburn fades and turns into a tan, or you go back to your normal pale self! Instead of letting that bad experience get to you, you turn it upside down and make the best of it. Embrace it! You're only human, after all!
These are just some of the funny experiences that have happened to me! I know it can be hard to stay positive, but don't stress over the little things. If life was easy, we would all be bored! Right? Just remember that everything happens for a reason, and those challenges are put in front of you because life knows that you can conquer anything If you put your mind to it! Anyway, I challenge you to get out of bed today, wear something that makes you feel great, eat a balanced breakfast, and go kick this week right in the bean bags!