How To Get What I Want | The Odyssey Online
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To The Girl Who Wants It All

It's okay to have desires but are they hurting you?

To The Girl Who Wants It All

Dear my ambitious friend,

You have been dreaming about living your best life since you were just a young girl. It probably started with one day wanting to be a princess or maybe being an astronaut. But as life starts to change, so do you. As you get older and immerse yourself into many things that interest you, you start to find who you are and what you want in life. Yes! You got it...but it's not easy.

Everyone always talks about knowing what you want in life but nobody can give the exact formula to go for it. In fact, there is no secret recipe for living your best life. You just have to trust God and trust the uncomfortable process. It doesn't make it any easier when social media continuously shows you with a scroll of a finger of people younger or older than you accomplishing things so many great things in life. It's okay. It's a normal feeling. Social media has this way of directly connecting you with friends while at the same time indirectly and personally shaming you for not being successful yet. Moreover, it can make you envious and hate your unique journey. I can relate to that. It can mess with your head and make you feel that your life will always be stagnant while others around you will pass you by living this dynamic and adventurous life.

Well, let me reassure you that your time will come. Take your time. Celebrate each goal that you pass and learn from those pretty ugly mistakes. Take a break from social media. Consuming too much of it will have you unintentionally hating the life and journey that God has gifted you with. You'll find yourself measuring and comparing your worth to other people's accomplishments. You are so much more than that. Even when you'd tried your hardest and still do not accomplish that goal, there are so much more that you never imagined just for you.

Did you know having it all can sometimes be dangerous? The worst feeling is regretting something that you thought would bring you peace but turns out to only bring stress. Or finally having it all that you wanted and still not be satisfied in life.

So relax hun (Can I call you that?) It's not a race. Breathe and enjoy the little things in your life. For even those little things that are in your life, somebody does not have. Take a breath. Ask yourself, why do I want this so bad? Sometimes the pressures of society's standards or the circumstances of life can force a goal upon you unknowingly. You don't have to compete. You don't have to prove to the world that you are happy and going for your dreams-even if everyone else does. The best accomplishments are created in secret.

To the girl who wants it all and her way. Take your precious little time for it will all fall into place.

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