How I Stopped Stressing (Less) About School And Life | The Odyssey Online
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How I Stopped Stressing (Less) About School And Life

.. And how you can, too.

How I Stopped Stressing (Less) About School And Life
Paige Wilson

All my life, I've been a bit of a perfectionist. I used to love things being done a certain way and having control over the outcome. And yet, over the years, I've learned this to be quite unfulfilling. Control is really just an illusion because we don't have ultimate control over our lives.

Life can change pretty drastically in a matter of months. As humans, there is no way for us to completely prepare for every little thing that life throws at us. All we can do is try our best to adapt, to maintain a positive mindset, and lean into God in every moment.

I had a relaxing winter break away from college. I love being at school, but it's nice to have time to rest in between some hectic seasons. As this break has come to a close, I've been hit with the realities of my next semester. I've been given some pretty amazing opportunities to be more involved in my school's community, in my sorority, and in preparation for my career. And yet, I caught myself dwelling on the negatives, doubting myself, and stressing for the future.

But what does any of that accomplish anyway? Everything is going to come, and everything will come to pass. Stressing about it will not change anything.

And I will be the first to admit, that is so much easier said than done.

Of course, I want to succeed in school, at work, and in life. But I can't let those goals consume me and tread into negativity through stress. What I can and should do is to surrender every involvement to a higher power, where I know the best outcome will happen.

This is not natural or easy for me. Even writing about it is a bit bold and out of my comfort zone, but I've found this to be where I find my success. I want that for anyone reading this, too.

My goal - and what I challenge you to do – is to surrender each stressor in your life over to God. Refuse to let your mind cave to negativity. Focus on how God will use you in each circumstance for good and be open-minded to the unknown.

Training your mind to think in this way will ease your stress, make you a more positive person, and help those around you. Besides, stress is just a distraction. It doesn't actually accomplish anything.

Back in my super perfectionist days in middle school, my small group leader presented me with a verse that I've always kept close to my heart. Proverbs 3:5-6 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will keep your paths straight."

As humans, we are prone to craving control and desiring specific outcomes. But we are not all-knowing, so how would we know the best for ourselves? In surrendering our small moments, our stressors, and our lives over to God, we can only find success. It might not be obvious right away, but in the end, everything will fall into place when we trust the Lord more than our own hearts. He will not lead us astray.

So don't let some stressful moments, classes, or circumstances stop you from having fun with life. Trust the Lord, and know that He will carry you through.

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