Let me start this out by saying I am all for the latest self-love, self-care movement. I am SO overjoyed to see so many wonderful people falling in love with themselves, becoming accepting of imperfections they may have, and genuinely caring for themselves.
Caring and loving yourself is of utmost importance, and finally, this healthy trend allowing us to talk about this and stress the importance of mental health. What I'm not so happy about is the idea that caring for yourself involves spending money.
Businesses are businesses, they need to make money and are going to play off of whatever "trend" in order to make money. One that is particularly increasing revenue is anything and everything advertising themselves as a "self-love" product. Often times, when one hears about self-care it involves taking a Bath and Body Works scented bath, putting on a face mask, and sipping a glass of wine.
Self-care shouldn't have to be about spending money.
Stop investing in companies claiming their products will better help you love yourself, and invest in yourself. You really don't need to go spend money on that face mask or a large bouquet of flowers to fit in with the status quo of "self-love."
Trust me - as a person who has a very hard time living within my means, I understand the notion of treating yourself. Hell yes, treat yourself every once in a while if it's something that you really want. I buy myself flowers once in a while because they make me so happy to look at and tend to.
However, this movement has surpassed the every once in a while "treat yourself." Social media, advertisements, and even the packaging of products itself is persuasive that if you use these products you will be taking care of yourself, mentally and physically.
Absolutely not. Self-care doesn't have to involve a face mask you don't particularly find necessary or a bubble bath you don't really want to take. There is no recipe for self-love. Take a nap, go for a walk, and maybe even meditate. Hell, do summersaults around your apartment if you need to. Whatever helps you recharge, but this does not mean having to make a run to target to buy a supply kit for a night of self-care.
Take what you see on the media with a grain of salt, maybe that girl really does need that bath bomb to care for herself, or maybe that company is trying to make money off of this movement.
Just remember the true meaning behind this movement, and don't buy into what you need to care for yourself.