I will begin this article by saying that I realize this may piss some people off. But, with all the talk going on about "body shaming" and "body positivity," I think it's time we talk about the bodies that aren't talked about in a loving way very often. That's right, I'm talking about us skinny girls.
Whether you realize it or not, you may have said something to a "skinny" girl or guy that probably hurt their feelings in the same way that fat shaming does. The thing about skinny shaming is that most people don't realize they are doing it because they think it's a compliment. The media is telling us that skinny is good, most people think that all skinny people are happy they are thin and like getting compliments about it. But that is not the case.
A prime example of skinny shaming:
Too often at work I hear the phrase, "Well of course it looks good on you! You're skinny!" No, just no. Please stop. That is not a compliment to me and I know it doesn't make you feel better either. That's like me saying to someone, "I bet that looks so great on you because you have more curves than me!" See? Kind of insulting. Saying things such as, "It must be so nice to be that skinny," is not a compliment. Because frankly, sometimes it's not nice to be skinny. I honestly feel like I look like a boy most of the time because I am so skinny. Also, please stop telling me to not eat salad. I thrive on salad. I love salad and it fills me up. So if anything, I am eating more by eating salad.
I don't know what causes people to say these things, and I don't want to be rude by saying it's them being insecure, but why put those insecurities back on me? I've worked hard mentally to accept and love my body type, and honestly, every time I hear one of these comments, it squashes my soul a little. To this day I still feel like I look like boy and get very uncomfortable wearing certain things. And get this, I really hate wearing bathing suits. Like, it kind of sucks. But, I get over it just like a lot of other people are because they're learning to embrace their bodies too.
In an article written on The Huffington Post, writer Dana Oliver says that she feels like the new notion of calling out fat shaming "often comes at the expense of embarrassing skinny women" and I could not agree more. For example, this whole, "I've got more to love," phrase also hurts. Now, maybe this is just me being sensitive, but you're implying that because you "have more" means that I, a skinny person, "have less." Make sense? There is also the idea that skinny girls are bitches, which is just down right hurtful and rude. Yes, I have my moments, but don't all other girls have theirs too?
People have to realize that when you say these things to "skinny people" you could be talking to someone who has once struggled with anorexia or bulimia, or someone who works really hard for the body they have. I personally, haven't really struggled through any of those things, but I have struggled through body image issues and hating my body. I only really gained confidence in myself in college. When people tell me I should eat more, I tell them it makes no difference in my body weight usually. The only difference eating more is going to make is how often I run to the bathroom. (Too much information, I know, but we're all human here.) It is literally in my DNA to be skinny and I cannot change that.
So, for the love of all that is holy, please stop making me feel bad about my body, because I'm not making you feel bad about yours. We are all beautiful and we need to act beautiful and start loving each other. Because that's the things that's going to make us all stronger in the end.