Teenagers having sex seems to be one of the worst things parents and society can imagine for teens between 15 and 19. That being said, sex is a completely natural thing for people in general, but even more for teens.
We’ve all heard the line about “hormonal teenagers” yet no one accepts that a normal part of that is sex. Besides, we all know that none of us got here because our parents decided to watch a funny movie one night, so it’s interesting that parents reprimand the same behavior they participate in.
Sure, parents are worried their kids will make a mistake, but what are these mistakes parents are so worried about?
1) A meaningless first time
2) Pregnancy
Some people wait to have sex because of religious beliefs and that is totally a personal decision. Others (mostly girls) though feel they have to wait to have sex with “the one” so their virginity isn’t “wasted.”
This whole idea of your virginity being special is nothing more than a social construct that scares people away from sex because it becomes about “Is this the right time?” But the truth is there is no “right time” — it’s a lie because everybody’s “right time” is different.
Pregnancy is totally preventable if there was just some proper gosh darn sex education! Everyone is so busy telling kids not to have sex, but if they just accepted that it’s going to happen everyone would be better off.
Teaching teens about safe sex isn’t a how-to advertisement for teen sex, it’s an informative practice so sex doesn’t become a mistake.
In general, shaming teens for wanting sex will not only result in problems like teen pregnancy and STDs but can also create kids who lie to their parents, which only causes more problems. This stigma surrounding sex can also be detrimental to social development within future romantic and sexual relationships because there is fear and contempt associated with sex.
It’s really just best to create an honest and open conversation about sex that will normalize the issue and create a healthier social dynamic.