Millions of women – men, even – around the world are saying they have a “flirty personality” right now. Why? They’re saying this because they got caught flirting with someone. Why else justify it? Saying “I have a flirty personality” is such an easy excuse to use. But that’s just it – it’s an excuse.
Stop saying you have a flirty personality. In my experience, this phrase normally comes up when someone gets caught flirting with somebody they shouldn’t have been flirting with: someone else’s boyfriend or girlfriend.
Now, I do agree, flirty personalities do exist. But, you see, it’s not that hard to tell the difference between having a flirty personality and actually flirting; and if you weren’t in the wrong, you wouldn’t feel the need to justify it. By justifying you flirting with someone’s significant other by saying you have a “flirty personality,” you’re not only calling that person a liar, you’re calling them stupid.
By saying you have a “flirty personality” and that we’re just mistaking your personality for outright flirting, you’re telling us we’re too stupid to know the difference. But, we do know the difference. We can see the difference between your flirty personality with one guy and you blatantly trying to “get with” another guy.
So stop saying you have a flirty personality, and just be honest. It’s not like you’re fooling anybody, anyways. We all know when somebody is aimlessly "flirting," because it's how they act with everybody. But if you start calling somebody pet names out of nowhere, or finding every opportunity to touch them, and you don't treat everybody else like that - and trust me, we can see if you treat everyone else like that - then it is not your personality. It's you trying to fool everybody, and it's not working
You don’t have a flirty personality; you’re just trying to get a guy who is off limits. So, please, stop treating us like blind fools, stop trying to be a home wrecker, and find a guy who isn't in a relationship. Because it's not your "flirty personality" leading you to act like that; it's your selfish desires doing it, and we're not fooled.