When I entered my freshman year, I was positive I was going to be going to vet school some day and that my major would be biology, chemistry, or something else science-based. I had wanted to be a vet my entire life, but that drastically changed after my first semester. I came to the realization that I was uninterested in the courses I was taking and the passion I once had towards becoming a vet was not there anymore. The thought of another three and a half years filled with biology and organic chemistry sounded like three and half years of hell. So, after a miraculous epiphany, I decided on switching my major to business with the intention of going to law school someday.
"You're so lucky you're a business major. I am drowning in all of my classes."
"Engineering is such a hard major, I wish I was doing business like you."
"I think I might switch to business. I really want to have more of a social life."
After being in the business school for only a few short months, these are the comments I have come across far too often. All of them assume that business is so easy. This is so frustrating, and I seem to be coming across these comments almost on a daily basis now. Business is not an easy major, and college students need to realize that there is no such thing as an easy major in college.
Every major in college is going to have its difficulties. Some may have more than others, but there is not going to be a major that you "breeze" through without some adversity. We should not disregard someone's hardships based on a major. That's absurd! Every college student will fail a test (maybe even a class), have multiple mental breakdowns throughout the semester, and have those nights spent in the library studying and doing homework until 4 a.m. Our struggles should bring us together as we all work to overcome them.
Whether you are studying business, neuroscience, education, or data analytics, try to remember that everyone is struggling to get through college before making a snide comment about their major's difficulty. Work to build each other up instead of making derogatory comments about a major. We are all riding the struggle bus together, so let's keep the comments positive while we're on it.