Hey, Internet, Stop Romanticizing A Serial Killer, Please And Thank You | The Odyssey Online
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Hey, Internet, Stop Romanticizing A Serial Killer, Please And Thank You

The last thing we should do is glamorize a man who killed over 30 women.

ted bundy

With the recent release of Netflix's "Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes," the internet has seemingly gone mad over the alleged hotness of serial killer, Ted Bundy. Sure, some may find Bundy attractive, but that really shouldn't be the main concern when the man confessed to 36 murders. He was a necrophiliac who experts believed raped and murdered over 100 women. Why on Earth would anyone ever want to romanticize that? Whether someone is attractive or not, they deserve to be viewed by their actions, definitely not by their looks. People need to remember and recognize Ted Bundy for the sociopathic and narcissistic serial killer he is.

Another concerning aspect of the newfound obsession over Ted Bundy is the release of the trailer of the movie "Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile," a biopic starring Zac Efron as Bundy. Many viewers are concerned over the casting of this movie, as Zac Efron has been a known heartthrob for years. It's almost as if casting an attractive and loved man like Efron is trying to make viewers infatuated with Bundy. Critics believe that this is an attempt to over-emphasize and highlight Bundy's charm and attractiveness. While many people believe this will show viewers how Bundy used his good looks and charisma to attract and fool his victims, I believe that this is simply romanticizing him, which is completely disrespectful to his victims and their families.

Even Netflix decided to weigh in with a tweet following the release of their docuseries, explaining that there are plenty of attractive men who AREN'T convicted serial killers. Another Twitter user posted about how "it's OK to be interested in true crime, but it's definitely not OK to label him as hot and charming." She further explained that his "charm" was not that, it was simply an act by Bundy that "came from studying how emotions worked to manipulate [people] to get what he wanted." I agree completely — Bundy's charm was artificial and something he made up to lure victims and to place the media on his side. He did this in the '70s, and somehow, he is still managing to do it today. The internet needs to stop romanticizing and glamorizing Ted Bundy and his incredibly heinous acts.

Ted Bundy was a sociopathic, narcissistic, necrophiliac who admitted to raping and murdering 36 women, though it's believed he killed over 100. Let's remember him by that, not by his supposed looks and charm.

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