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Why You Should Stop Procrastinating Right Now

We all procrastinate, but what good does it really do for us?

Why You Should Stop Procrastinating Right Now

Every single one of us has procrastinated at doing at least one thing in our lives. Whether it be homework, folding the laundry, or calling someone we know will keep you on the phone for hours, it's something that inevitably happens.

This past week, I realized I wanted to procrastinate on submitting applications for internships. I didn't want to go over my resume again, and I sure as hell didn't want to write cover letters. Except, I kept finding more and more internships that I wanted to apply for, and I want to quit my job before school starts, so time was of the essence.

When I finally sat down and did everything I needed to do it only took me a couple hours, and I felt SO much better. I had experienced this same feeling a couple of weeks ago when I had gotten some of my online class work done a day earlier than it was due. It was such a relief. My brain was silent and I didn't feel like there was another thing lurking over me throughout the day. I didn't have to worry about making time for another task on top of all the other things I try to do during the summer.

I realized that if I just sit down and do it instead of waiting to "feel like it" then I am a much more centered person. Like this article for example; I usually procrastinate until the very last second. I know I have to write it, read it over and edit it a few times to get it up to my standards. Unfortunately, I always wait until the day and, usually only an hour or two before, time its due. I don't know why I do this every single week. It's not like I don't enjoy writing them, or have no ideas. There are always going to be things I don't have to do, but would rather be doing, over the things I actually have to get done.

It's almost like a reverse psychology. Every other task in the world seems more appealing than the task at hand. And then, when it comes down to last second, I feel overwhelmed and my mind goes blank. It's a vicious cycle because while I'm watching that Netflix special, all I'm thinking about is the stuff I'll have to do the next morning or later that night.

Luckily, this past week has granted me some inner peace. I realized that when I get my work done, I enjoy my free time much more. I can go hang out with my friends and not worry about all the things piling up back home. I submitted a bunch of applications last night and realized that once it was done, I would be one step closer to where I wanted to be. It's one thing to wait until the last minute to write a paper, it's another to miss an opportunity because someone else was one step ahead of you.

Remember that procrastination is normal, but you don't have to let it take hold of you. With the fall semester approaching rather quickly we must keep in mind that motivation isn't sustainable and habits take over. Make it a habit to get things done as soon as you possibly can. Life will be much less stressful.

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