I am tired of the news glamorizing sexual assaulters and their "amazing" careers. As if someone with such a successful life ahead of them could never sexually assault someone. Their amazing careers have nothing to do with their actions and their consequences. They decided to sexually assault/murder someone and they shouldn't be praised for their careers.
Their careers have nothing to do with their assault and murder. I don't care if they have scouts looking at them and I don't care how many touchdowns they've done in a season. That won't take away what they did. That won't take away the unwanted touches, the forcefulness they used against someone who couldn't fight back.
That won't bring them back to their families.
Recently in Downeast Maine, one of our own was murdered by a past classmate who had an amazing football career. Every news report in the paper, online and on tv talked about his amazing football career and what his future could've brought him, and nothing outraged me more than that. That is an insult to the victim. That is an insult to the family who is grieving the loss of their daughter who died in a way we didn't think could happen here. We are a close-knit community and the unimaginable happened to a beloved girl and her family.
I don't care that Brock Turner was an amazing swimmer, he is a rapist who deserves to sit in a jail cell and not to be able to hurt another person. The seriousness towards Larry Nassar's case needs to happen to every sexual assault case. We are letting these people walk out of that courtroom with a slap on the wrist.
You really think that is going to teach them anything?
They deserve prison time. They deserve time to rot in a cell and think about what caused them to be there. They need to be sentenced for their actions. More people are being thrown in Jail for marijuana then sexual assault. That needs to change.
We need to stop glamorizing sexual assaulters career and focus more on the victim and their story. Victims shouldn't be walking around terrified to live their everyday life because their abuser is walking free on the streets. We need to be the voices for people who can't be heard.