Girls, like myself, tend to choose a project when looking for a significant other. Our excuse is always something like "I can change him,” or “I can introduce him to Jesus."
These guys I’m referring to are called “work-in-progress boys”. I’ve written about them before, and I truly believe that they’re the reason why most of our relationships fail.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not doubting God or saying that we can’t lead a potential boyfriend to Jesus. But my point is that if this “project approach” is how we defend every relationship that we are in, we need to do some self-evaluation.
I believe that this is why my past relationships have ended in such pain and hurt - because those guys were not who God intended me to be with. I was unequally yoked, just as 2 Corinthians 6:14-17 states.
But maybe I’m wrong; maybe we don’t have a project approach at all.
Maybe we just want to find a boy who is holy enough to take home to our parents but has just enough sin in his life to share our late-night desires with.
The biggest problem with this (read: there are quite a few problems but I’ll only touch on the most important one) is that you can't have the best of both worlds. You’re one or you’re the other.
Yes, your life may be the only Bible that some people read. And yes, it is important for you to share the Gospel of Jesus with others. But don't yoke yourselves unequally with someone who will keep you from Jesus.
It’s my prayer that Jesus would place the right people in our lives for us to be equally yoked together for the building up of His kingdom.