Our lives are busy. All I ever hear throughout the day are the lists and plans of the people around me. The meeting they have at this time, the class that ends at this time, the lunch they can squeeze in at this time before they go to another meeting. The planning is endless. We plan out our weekends and our only apparent "free time"—months in advance. You know your weeks are booked whether it's with visits, or exams to study for, or big events, or meetings. We treat our days like they are an endless stop watch, trying to plan and pack in as much as possible so we can get everything done that we “need” to.
It's normal to have obligations. School, work, and meetings—they all require a decent amount of our time and that’s something that’s unavoidable. What is avoidable, though, is how we stressfully approach these obligations, and how we so often fail to leave room for the freedom of whatever our hearts desire.
Yes, you are always going to have things to do. Yes, there is always going to be something scheduled for you in your day whether it's class, or studying, or meeting with an old friend, or getting your kid out of bed in the morning. But what about the time in between? The time that you don’t have to plan your day around but yet we tend to do so anyways? Why not wake up in the morning and let your feet take ya where they want to freaking go instead of planning every step of the way?
Wake up. Go to class or go to work. Go to lunch. Go to the gym. Make dinner. Study. Eat. Go to bed. This becomes so normal for so many of us, seeing as we are constantly living a fast pace life that is tasking of our time every second of the day. But our lives are not a stopwatch, our lives are not about seeing how much we can map out for our days, assuming that just because it's planned out, we are getting it done in the most efficient way. Life is about living--and I don't mean just getting out of bed and accomplishing the day's tasks, it's about truly living. Making time for the things that make you happy, the people you love, the things that give you a break.
Imagine this. Waking up, knowing everything you have to do in that day, and getting it done when you want to do it. Imagine, procrastinating on something until the next day and instead, going for a walk outside or taking a nap to get away from the stress. Imagine sleeping in an extra hour instead of going to the gym just because ya can. Imagine grabbing a cookie instead of an apple just because that’s what your heart desires!!
We treat our lives like a constant stopwatch, a constant calendar, requiring hard work, places to attend, and planning. Our lives are busy; our lives are stressful. In fact, they’re stressful enough before we put even more pressure on ourselves to get everything done in a timely matter.
The work always gets done. You know your capabilities, you know what you can get done when, and what you need to allow more time for and what can be pushed off. Try waking up, and treating your day like a fresh page. Go to class, and go to what is tasking of your time, but in between it all, despite all the stress you so easily feel, just live. Take a deep breath, look at the big picture, and stop planning your days down to the second. Live in the moments of free time, let your mind wander, let your feet go where they desire, and live life not like it’s a constant stop watching ticking in your face, but like it's your life—your life of freedom and choices, and take it where you want to go.