According to the laws of the universe, all things are imperfect. But, according to the unwritten rules of society, everyone and everything is perfect besides ourselves and our belongings. I tend to agree with the laws of the universe more than society's rules, because those tend to change.
Stop thinking that everyone else's lives are perfect because of what they post on social media. Just because her Instagram is the prettiest thing you have ever seen does not mean that she loves life, or herself. Everyone puts their best face on for the camera, and especially the media. So next time you see the #flawless post, just think that someone has thought that about you too.
Stop looking for the perfect relationship or friend. You see other people being best friends all the time with their squad? Yeah, well guess what? They have their differences and issues too. They disagree. And the girls who are #bestfriendgoals may be happy with each other, but they also go through rough patches. And whatever relationship looks perfect, just isn't. Everyone disagrees and fights and goes through hard times. It is the relationships and friendships that are #goals because they see the imperfections in each other and themselves that are small enough to be overshadowed by the positive aspects.
Stop believing that other people's clothes are better than your own. Now, I understand the glory of having 30 girls' closets on your floor to chose from during the time formal rolls around, but come on. You always envy other's clothes and possessions? Well, guess what? You can have those things too. But are you really going to buy a whole new closet full of clothes just to be like someone else? No! Of course not! That would be ridiculous! You are complete and beautiful in your own clothes and style. Just think of the compliments you get all the time.
Just because everyone seems better and more put together than you does not mean that they are. Some people just don't like to show their emotions, but that does not make them any better, just different. Your life is currently not going as planned, but when have you ever felt prepared for anything? So get ready to get happy and get sad because that is what life is about. It's a wild and messy ride, but I have just learned to say "bless this mess."