Why do we keep living in the past?
You cannot change your past, so why keep looking back at it….
The past can be a scary thing for many of us. We might’ve all had good or bad ones, but I am pretty sure everyone had something negative happen to them that they now regret. Of course! Who wouldn’t regret every bits and pieces of what they have gone through the past and what decisions they have made from it. But, we have to remember that looking back at our past of the mistakes we have made can only change us of who we are today, there is no such thing of rewinding the clock back to fix what we did. All we can do is learn from it, and move on.
Looking back can be very distracting and intimidating. I know many people are just afraid of letting the same thing happen again, but that is why now you can change some of the things you’ve done in the past to make those mistakes not happen. We also need to understand that mistakes will happen, that’s how life works, it sucks yes, but all you can do is overcome them and not let that get in the worst in you. Even I’m still learning to not always look back, it can also lead us to stop doing what we are already doing because we get so scared. It’s like we just put everything on hold in our lives and wait till something good happens so then we can start moving again. Why can’t we just take the risk of just moving forward knowing and understanding our past mistakes, we don’t have to keep looking back.
I can just remember the times I looked at my past and all my mistakes, although, I still catch myself doing that at times. Why I do that? Well because I know all the things I have done were so stupid and I knew better of. But, I still continued making those dumb mistakes thinking some things would change for the better. Nope, I was wrong, I felt hurt, betrayed, and upset, but I learned to grow from it. I know I deserve better in life in whatever is thrown at me, I will not relive the past, if the past had never happened, then I wouldn’t be the person I am today. So, instead of hating my past, I should really be thankful for it. I actually can say that I now make better choices for myself and been doing better than ever.
Remember, you are not the only one with this type of problem, it is perfectly normal. Just be aware of what to do or what not to do the next time, this is how we learn in life. We learn a lot of things from experiencing it, not just reading books. But, remember again, you cannot change anything from the past, the only thing you can change now is your present time to better your future.