"Every day is a new page in your book of life. You get the chance, the opportunity, to write it however you want. it's written, it's remembered, and it's OK to flip through and reminisce and remind yourself of reasons you're on this page, and how far you've come from the previous ones. However, never go back to reread something. The time has come and gone but life is a never ending journey of the present and the future. Some pages might not be your best, but you have the opportunity to make the next one even better. You should always remember that the power is in your hands, this is my advice to you. Stop trying to erase the pen marks, or go back to page three when you're on page 30, but instead day by day, page by page, and dream of all you can accomplish and write about for the future pages."
My best friend told me this after I vented to her about the past haunting me. I finally stopped living in the past when I realized it was killing me. The people, the places, the memories. You can look back on happy times in the past, but don't stray too long on the sad parts.
I think everyone wants to erase a few bad memories, but that simply isn't possible. You can cross it out as many times as you want, but underneath those marks are the same memories. What you can do, is move on. Move on and let be. Let life take its path. You can't change the past, but you can determine the present.
Knowing that you can choose your present, make the most of it. Smile, be happy, enjoy life. Because you realize that the world is beautiful and deserves to be lived in. So move along one page of your book at a time. And look back at the beautiful times you have already lived, and skim over the times you choose to forget.
"You're not meant to have everything figured out. Life is a constant journey of learning, making mistakes, living and having experiences. You have your whole life to figure things out but happiness is important and that should come first."
No one is asking you to figure your entire life out right now. Live every day knowing you have accomplished one thing: living life happily. No one is asking you to never make mistakes. Your book of life becomes a better story with each mistake, experience, memory.
Every day is a new day, a day to appreciate. Appreciate that you're alive, and healthy, and still on this planet. Enjoy every second of every day because this is your book. You choose how your book is going to pan out. You choose how every page, every day, will be lived. So choose to be happy, be free, enjoy life, and let be.