Don't get me wrong, my parents are right about things most of the time, and have given me advice that I will take full advantage of. However, being an adult has made me realize that there are some situations where we should stop listening to our parents, and start focusing on ourselves.
First of all, it's 2016, times are changing, people are changing, opinions are changing, laws are changing, and everything is different from when our parents were our age. That being said, they are going to have different opinions and views than us. Our parents say things when we are kids that we pick up on, and they usually resonate in our minds our entire lives. A lot of the time, parents influence their kid's opinions and views on things. I know my parents influenced my ideas about things when I was in high school. That's why it's important to branch out, experience new things, go to different places, and develop your own opinions, ideas, and views on life and the world itself.
Second of all, your parents are going to want you to stay close to home. On average, they've raised you from the time you were born and have watched you grow and change your whole life. Every parent loves the child that they've raised and does not want to let go when it is time. So our parents will tell us to go to college closer to home to "save money," which, don't get me wrong, is not a bad thing at all. And it is true, being closer to home will save you money.
However, in the long run, moving away from home is worth the mileage and sometimes can be a great return on your investment. So if you want to go to school that's 4 hours away, then do it! If you feel that you are capable and ready to go to a school or even move into a home that's far away from where you grew up, then go ahead and do so. Life is too short to stay close to where you're comfortable, but never forget your roots.
To add, our parents want us to be happy and safe. That's not a bad thing either, but it's important for us to make our own mistakes so we can learn from them. How am I supposed to be old and wise if I'm never young and crazy? That being said, please don't go out and vandalize the whole city, and be careful about the decision that you make. What I mean by all this is if you want to get married when you're 25, get married when you're 25. If you want to spend all your money on traveling instead go going to college, then go out and see the world. Yes, maybe in the end our parents will say "I told you so," but at least we aren't sitting here second guessing our decision and wondering what if.
It's important to listen to our parents advice, but it's also okay to question what they preach to us. There comes a point in time when we should stop listening to our parents. It's okay for our parents to advice us because that's one of the many things parents do and should do. Just know that it's okay to make your own decisions and have your own opinions. In the end your parents are still going to love and respect you.