When I reflect on where I was compared to where I am now, words are hard to come by because everything has evolved into exactly what I need for the time being. I’m gracious towards my hard times and learning experiences that I thought I wouldn’t get through, but look, here I am, conquering fears, moving mountains, and creating a life I’m so proud of. Over the years, I’ve said countless goodbyes and I’ve been welcomed with sweeter hellos as one chapter closes and another promptly begins— a never ending cycle of change, acceptance, and growth.
I can’t help but say, “man, this is the good life.”
For a long time, I let fear guide me although I vigorously chased after my dreams and pursued different avenues, but I had this rotting reminder that I didn’t think I was good enough. It ate away at me, and with that one consuming thought, I constantly chose comfort, out of fear for rejection and falling short. I stayed small and it wasn’t until I chose to love myself and value all my insecurities that I was finally free to be who I’m meant to be— the woman who is deserving, capable, and worth it and always will be.
We have the power to change our circumstances and when we are unhappy, we need to be willing to step out of our comfort zones to find what sets our soul on fire and bring joy into our lives. We have one life to live, and we need to be willing to be our own activists to find the good life.
Yes, bad things happen to good people. Some things are way out of our control, but it’s how we rise again after a disastrous fall.
I grew up with my best friend, who lost her mother at a young age, and I couldn’t fathom the lost she feels everyday and I wondered why God would take away her mom when she needs her, just like I need mine. But now, I look at my best friend who is so shaped by the loss of her mother, but in a positive way. She is bright and resilient, independent and kind, vibrant and full of life. She became somebody her mother would be proud of, and she is someone I admire for making such difficult circumstances a way to make a positive impact on everyone around her.
With that being said, we can’t live our lives in fear of what could be, what’s to come, or staying small due to past pains and hardships. We have the ability to rise up and be exactly who we want to be.