If you are a fellow coffee drinker, you personally know the greatness that comes with all things coffee. I prefer the term coffee connoisseur instead of coffee addict. To be fair, my friends do watch me consume three to five cups of coffee a day on average. There are many perks that come with being a coffee connoisseur. If you don't drink coffee, you may not understand; or maybe you will want to start.
1. Drinking coffee can help your body lose weight.
That's right people. Don't throw our your workouts completely, but consumption of coffee can help you lose that pound you are thinking of losing.
2. Coffee is world's second most traded commodity.
Right after oil, coffee is the most traded commodity.
3. 54 percent of Americans drink coffee every day.
You aren't alone when you are confessing your coffee addiction. Coffee is a wonderful thing and you aren't the only one that thinks that.
4. Americans consume 4 billion cups of coffee a day.
I love my water, but let's be real for a second. Coffee wins the taste game any day of the week. America is obsessed with coffee in so many different forms. They know what's up
5. New Yorkers are the top consumers of coffee in America.
New Yorkers drink SEVEN times more cups of coffee than anyone else in America. World's best cup of coffee? I don't know. I know for sure though that New Yorkers are coffee obsessed. I don't blame them. They live in the crazy city of New York.
6. You can overdose on coffee.
Don't go crazy people. Remove that 6th cup from your diet.
7. Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of Alzheimers Disease and Dementia.
I don't know what illness I will get in life. At least I can lower my risks of Alzheimers or Dementia!
8. The United States imports more than $4 billion dollars' worth of coffee each year.
We don't actually realize how much money we coffee consumers spend on a bag of coffee. We just go into the coffee shop and expect greatness, but it is so much more than that. The amount of money spent on importation of coffee is horrendous.
9. Iced coffee is more expensive than regular coffee.
Ice costs money. If it's 90 degrees though there's no way I am about to drink hot coffee on my walk to the quad.
10. 52 percent of coffee drinkers would rather not shower for a day than go the day without coffee.
I don't blame them. I am completely in that 52%.
11. Coffee can improve your workouts.
Drink a cup of Joe before your work out and the caffeine may just improve your work out by a tad bit. I'm not saying it will make you be a professional athlete, but it sure may improve your gains.
12. You can reuse your coffee grounds.
Coffee grounds are completely reusable. You only use about 30% of the grounds when you make coffee in a pot.
13. Coffee was the first food to ever be freeze-dried.
That's right. Coffee is a beautiful invention that comes in so many different shapes and sizes, all meant to be loved.
14. 40 percent of the world's coffee is created by Brazil and Columbia.
I personally have friends from Brazil and love them dearly. This only makes me love them more.
Next time you are considering making fun of your friend for their insane coffee consumption for the day, realize they may not be completely crazy. Caffeine isn't the worst invention, let alone coffee. God bless the coffee bean.