I have always been plus size and that's the way I've lived my life thus far. Let me start by saying that you can be plus size and be healthy. You can also be a size zero and be healthy. Everyone has a different body type and you are not alone if you are feeling too "fat" or too "skinny." It's time that we as a society stop judging others based on body type and start by looking at the contents of the heart.
You don't know what an individual is going through until you've walked in their shoes. A person's size may be determined by a disorder that they have. Some people have a slower metabolism while others have a faster one. Focus on your own health and not that of people around you.
Think of it like this: you're a plus sized female walking through the grocery store and another young woman catches your eye. This woman is incredibly skinny. You feel yourself beginning to judge her... but wait. Do you think that she is judging you the same way for your body type? Body shaming doesn't only happen to plus sized people. It also happens to skinnier people. As a society, we tend to forget about one side being judged because the other has a larger population.
Now, health is a completely different story. If you are overly skinny or heavily obese, you should make sure that you are healthy. Health comes before looks always. After that, your body is your own and you should own it!
No matter what, know that you are absolutely amazing the way you are. Don't let others put you down. Wear what you want to wear and strut your stuff! You were made the way you are for a reason, so rock that...even if you don't know the reason. At the end of the day, slay!