For the past three weeks, I have been quite busy. With what you may ask? In the past three weeks, I have watched every single episode in all ten seasons of Friends, and for the first time in my twenty-one years of life. First off, you may be thinking, "Wow, she's late!" and you would be correct with that assumption, but I have finally done it, despite the series ending 15 years ago. Here are ten things I have learned from binge watching all of Friends in three weeks.
1. I learned that I have way too much free time on my hands.
This may be obvious since that means I watched 236 episodes in 21 days, which, I am not going to do the math, means that I watched it constantly. I still found time though to eat, go to school, sleep (a lot), and write. But, if you were to ask me if I regret spending the past 3 weeks watching Friends, I would tell you absolutely not, it was the best use of my free time.
2. I learned that old television shows are so much better than those that air now a days.
I feel like I just aged myself by saying now a days but anyways. Now, I am not saying that there are not good television shows that air today, because I know I have my fair share of favorites that are on currently, but in my personal opinion, these older television shows will never grow old, and they really are good, and I'd even say ahead of their time in a way.
3. I learned that it really sucks when you finish all of the seasons in a series.
I mean, think about it, when you spend three whole weeks of your life on watching a television show, you begin to really connect with the characters in the show and be living through what they're going through in the show. Needless to say, it can be very emotional when you've seen these characters develop and grow up over 10 years in just three short weeks. I feel like these characters will forever have a place in my heart.
4. I learned that waiting every week for the next episode sucks.
When you watch television shows live, they typically only premier one new episode per week. Because these shows every week almost always end a cliff hanger, you are left wanting more and not wanting to wait a whole week for the next to episode. But, thankfully binge watching them all eliminates this, and you don't have to deal with those annoying cliff hangers.
5. I learned that I do not remember a lot of what happened in the episodes.
I could definitely tell you some of the main things that happened but if you asked me for little details, I would be clueless. This of course is a downfall of bingeing because there is so much that you are taking in and watching, that all of the details that happened begin to blur together.
6. I learned that binge watching really helps to relieve stress.
When you binge watch an episode, it can almost be like an escape from the real world because most of your focus and attention is on the show, so there is little room for you to think about everything that is going on in your life.
7. I learned that you can actually learn a lot from television and it doesn't always soil your brain.
I learned a lot about adulting from watching Friends. I learned that sometimes life may be falling apart, but that that's okay because you do not always have to have a plan, you can live life as it comes. I learned that friends really can be forever, no matter how old you are. This of course will not be true for everyone or all of your friends, but just because you're growing old, doesn't mean that you will not have any of your friends that you've known for years. I learned a lot more and could probably write pages on it but basically I am thankful for Friends teaching me so much.
8. I learned that you can have fun just sitting around and watching tv.
When you are watching a show, you continue to watch it because you enjoy it. People typically enjoy things that are fun to do and when the show is interesting, it is easier to enjoy yourself and actually have a good time watching it.
9. I learned that binge watching can be an addiction.
You can become addicted to binge watching. When you watch till the end of the episode, and you are left with that cliff hanger, it makes you want to continue watching the next episode which leads to you wanting to watch more.
10. I learned that binge watching can give you this sort of high.
When you are just sitting and watching episode after episode of your favorite show, you are almost on this sort of high in which you just feel good. You feel good because you are actually enjoying something and able to find happiness and joy in something so simple as a television show.
There are definitely pros and cons to binge watching a show, but it really brings you on this journey through the lives of the characters and I personally believe that that is really beautiful.