Where do we draw the line?
Costumes like these are shown everyone across the internet and found in stores. It's not just adult costumes that are hyper-sexualized, but now kids as young as preschoolers are facing these societal issues.
Little girls, especially, are facing this.
Why is there such a big difference between the female costumes and the male costumes?
It plays into the sexualization of their bodies into their teenage years as well as their adult life. It paints this picture at such a young age that we has women and as little girls should look like this and should wear less clothing. It makes them grow up at such a fast rate than they normally would.
Halloween is supposed to be fun. Let them have fun.
"Let them be little girls, have fun, be able to play in the playground
and not worry about going on the monkey bars because someone's going to
see their underwear. Something like this constricts their movements,
which affects the way they play."
The costumes aren't even realistic, because women wear pants as firefighters and as a police officer when they work.
What kind of message do these costumes send to our girls? This is insinuating that girls or women cannot be equivalent to boys or men. Why is that the boys have costumes that portray real life jobs while it's portraying that girls should not be taken seriously? This is implying that girls can't or shouldn't do the real job and thus suggesting that they are a joke. This creates a domino effect. When girls grow up they think they must dress this way and act a certain way.
These costumes are so degrading. They are also so sexist.
Why, at such a young age girls are being objectified?
When will this madness stop?
We are forcing these gender divides and stereotypes. Let's break out of this. Let's stop normalizing this. Let us lead by example and take these costumes off the market. Let us teach girl and boys that they are equal. Let us enforce gender equality. Let us not restrict girls and boys from being what they want to be based off gender alone.