Disclaimer: I am thoroughly aware of the hypocrisy in this article. However, I have not posted -- and will never again post -- anything further about The Oompa-Loompa King.
Negative attention is still a reward. This is one of the most valuable realizations as a teacher. A disruptive student will view both positive and negative attention as a reward. Drawing attention to this student with negative comments such as, “Tommy, stop it right now -- you are being too loud,” or “Sally, that’s the last straw, go sit in the corner,” will give that student exactly what they wanted -- the attention of the teacher and, now, their peers. This behavior will persist, I assure you.
In a similar way, positive attention can increase positive behaviors. When a traditionally disruptive student follows instructions, a positive comment such as, “Jane, you are having a great day! Good job!” is likely to increase the desired behavior.
So, let's assume one highly-publicized, constantly discussed, endlessly posted about presidential candidate is a disruptive student. Both positive and negative attention will increase his behaviors. All of his behaviors, regardless of the nature of the attention. If you have discussed, complained, praised or posted about Cinnamon Hitler, you have fueled his s**t-storm of a presidential campaign.
Look at it this way, the Racist Clementine running for president isn't like Lord Voldemort. When you say Voldemort’s name, you take away his power, because he thrives on fear. Saying his name means you aren't afraid of him. White Kanye is the opposite, like a Voldemort mutant. When you say his name, whether it be in a Facebook status, in a bar, or a reposted video, you are simply providing free advertising. The Dark Lord can only gain power.
All of us reasonable, half-decent human beings know that the Tangerine Tornado must be stopped. Instead of posting negative, embarrassing, disparaging videos and articles, might I suggest: