Who doesn't have insecurities? We all have them. Whether it's the shape of your nose, the length of your legs, the "flatness" of your stomach, acne, etc. No one is perfect by any means. Totally okay, totally normal.
Some of us are stick thin and some of us are thick, some of us short and some tall. Like I said before and will say again, we are all different. In the sake of positive body image, I think it's bullshit to say that the "average" or "normal" size for a woman is this size or that size. I don't believe there is a "normal" size. I understand that the average is a statistic, but realistically speaking, if a girl with a small build weighed around the average, she'd probably be overweight. That same girl probably get's harassed that she's too skinny, but probably looks great in skinny jeans, high waisted shorts and crop tops.
I'm about 5'5 and weigh about 150lbs; I have short legs with huge calves thanks to college sports and riding horses half of my life. I wear a size 6 normally, sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller depending on the brand, and I'm not ashamed of it. I have an awkward torso, so unlike those skinny, tall girls high waisted shorts are not my thing, unless I find the right pair. In no way whatsoever am I hatin'. I just realize what looks good on my body and what does not.
Body image should always be about positivity, but realistically, no one will ever love everything about themselves. So it's our job to of course to love ourselves for who we are, but also know what works and what doesn't work. I know what not only looks good on my body, but what I am comfortable wearing. For that confidence and positivity always dress with what brings out what you do love about yourself. The first question I ask myself when I put on an outfit is, "am I going to feel good wearing this all day/night?" If I'm not sure, I automatically know half way through the night I'm going to be miserable, hating myself and how I look, dying to change. Would you rather have a good time or wake up the next morning after having a miserable time because of a stupid outfit?
We have to stop with the "dress to impress." Impress yourself first. Everyone else comes next or even last for that matter. Wouldn't you rather be approached out because you look like your having a total blast, or stuck in the corner because your so uncomfortable in what your wearing that you can't wipe off the RBF? Choose wisely. I hate to think there are people out there that sacrifice a good time just to look good.
I always read articles that are promoting positive body image to stop trying to change how you look. Which I half agree with. If you're uncomfortable with your weight, as long as health is a top priority, I don't see anything wrong with changing. I know girls who have worked really hard and lost a ton of weight only to hear people bitch and moan about how now they are too skinny. Well, if only your opinion mattered...
I work out numerous times a week and try to stay active, because it makes ME feel good. I know what I like about my body and working out helps to at least keep those couple things that way. I work out to stay healthy and work towards a body I feel more comfortable in, all while staying positive. Not every one that works out or works to change something about themselves necessarily hates themselves or their body. Sometimes I work out all week and eat like trash, which makes no sense, but it still makes ME feel good about MYSELF.
Feeling good in your own skin is the most important thing. Do what makes you feel good. Wear what makes you feel good. Eat what makes you feel good. At the end of the day, you're stuck in this body for life, so loving it and taking care of it is definitely a top priority. Social standards will always be social standards and will most likely never make anyone feel good about anything.
Feel great in a crop top? Awesome; wear it. Personally, a cute pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt is my thing. If you know someone struggling with body image, the only way to help bring them up is with positivity. People who bring others down for their own sake are only people that are struggling with their own insecurities. Always remember that. You're beautiful. We are all beautiful and if we told ourselves that more often we'd be much better off. A compliment goes a long a way and you never know what a simple compliment could do for someones confidence.