College is the absolute breeding grounds for germs. Hundreds of people closely living together. Check. Lots of people touching the same doorknob on their way to the dining hall. Check. Lazy college students who don't clean their apartments. Check. It almost seems impossible to avoid getting sick at school. But here are some simple ways to keep yourself healthy and sick-free this year.
1. Wash your hands
OK, this one seems obvious I know. But the other day I saw someone leave the bathroom without doing it EW. Whether it's with soap or sanitizer (if you can't get to soap) you should always be washing your hands. My tip is to buy a small travel size bottle of sanitizer to have in your bag whenever you need it.
2. Stay hydrated
Drink water. It's something we here a lot and we know we should. But sometimes we just need a reminder to do so. So fill up your water bottle and drink up. Alternatively, you can also drink some green tea to get those fluids in.
3. Disinfect
Clorox (or an alternative cleaner) should be your best friend. Too often we forget how truly disgusting college dorms can be. A simple and easy way to avoid germs is by simply using Clorox wipes where you and others touch the most. I generally use Clorox to clean doorknobs, light switches, tables, and sink knobs, to name a few.
4. Lead a healthier lifestyle
You've probably heard this about a billion times by now and let's be real we're in college. Between classes, extracurriculars, and other responsibilities you don't always have the time to go to the gym or sleep eight hours a day. But it's extremely important to do our very best to get as close to this as we can. Even if you can't make it to the gym every day try going as many times as you can or you could even substitute a 30-minute walk instead. Allow your immune system to stay healthy so it can help fight against diseases.
Remember these tips the next time cold/flu season comes around to your college campus.