Growing up we were always taught to do our own thing. Over and over again in high school I remember my teachers expressing the importance of following our own path to success in regards to lifestyle and educational choices regardless of what our parents or preachers hoped for us.
After all it’s our life and our happiness, not theirs. So why is it that so many young people are left confused and indecisive? Why are they studying things that their parents or peers pressured them into? Why are we all so obsessed with impressing those around us even if it is at the expense of our own happiness?
For me, reality struck about halfway through my sophomore year of college. I realized I was not doing anything beneficial to my growth. I was doing all the wrong things with all the wrong people. It’s not that I regretted my past, I was just ready to move on from it and start progressing in life. This was not high school anymore.
Long gone were the days where I felt comfortable doing things just because everyone else was. I spent way too much time trying to decide the “right” major in an attempt to fit in with my family. It’s not that I was forced to study such things; I was just desperate to fit in. If everyone else is excelling in engineering and hard sciences, then why is it so hard for me? Sure I could pass the classes if I worked hard enough, but it was not me and it never would be no matter how much I thought I wanted it.
Deep down the only confusion I had to overcome was an internal battle with myself. I always had the answers within, I just had to let go of trying to impress others and get back to focusing on me. Once that happened, everything was crystal clear. Now, this doesn’t just pertain to school or college related choices, but your whole life overall.
Just because someone else is going to the party doesn’t mean you need to go. If someone used to be your friend but now it’s toxic, you don’t have to continue the friendship. Just because items x,y, and z are in style, doesn’t mean you have to wear them. I’m sure everyone hears this kind of thing all the time, but if you stop for a second and actually think about everything going on in your life, how much of it is ACTUALLY for you?
Start making time for yourself. Question the life you are making for yourself. After all, what better time to really find out who you are and try new things than your 20s? Don’t wait another second! Don’t wait until your in your 30s, 40s or 50s to find yourself living a life someone else planned for you, working in a career your parents thought would make you lots of money, or spending time with people who don’t make you feel good about yourself.
The moment you stop letting others thoughts and actions affect you, is the moment you begin to truly find yourself and let the real adventures begin.