Stop Fighting, God Will Fight For You
My first week of senior year, I was a wreck. I definitely didn't plan on being a wreck, but, nonetheless. This past week, I battled my flesh daily. It raged on in my mind as I wrestled with crippling self-doubt and criticism. I had a major meltdown after months of my zero tears policy. Why did no one believe in me? Why am I such a failure? Why am I not worth anyone’s time? To be honest, these questions permeated every fiber of my being. They threatened to swallow me alive.
As a discouraged me walked back to the dorm, a piece of paper on the wall caught my eye. It said “The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still.” (Exodus 14:14) I think I almost choked. How could it be that I would see this message, and not the thousands of others prominently placed on campus? I proceeded to go back to my room, shaking my head about the message. I was going to get what I deserved: decency and fair treatment and honesty. I angrily moved about my room, pacing and planning. I would find a way to make things happen. I would find a way to accomplish my goals.
I began mindlessly scrolling through Facebook, stumbling on a video about the conflicts in the Middle East. One video was extremely graphic. I watched in horror as masses were gunned down for no particular reason at all. I immediately felt convicted. My pain and aggravation seemed so insignificant in that moment, so illegitimate. I cried. People were losing their lives at the hands of evil terrorists, and here I sat, mulling over being unfairly treated. There were persecuted Christians singing praises to God on the way to the gallows, and I was huffing and puffing about something stupid. They showed compassion to those who were being unjust and cruel, and I had the audacity to be upset?
I got on my knees, weeping and asking God to change my attitude and help me to trust Him. As I sat up, the randomized song list on my computer changed to the lyric “I know who goes before me, I know who stands behind.” Immediately following this was, “If our God is for us, then who could ever stop us? And if our God is for us, then what could stand against?” I sat as song after song played. God obviously didn’t want to be subtle. He wanted me to know that, until I stopped fighting, He wouldn’t take the reigns.
God won’t take our will from us. We consciously choose to fight on our own behalf; and it is the worst decision we could possibly make. Exodus 14:14 is clear in what God requires of us. God will fight for you, but you have to be still. That doesn’t mean you don’t act or prepare or engage. It means that you refuse to manipulate the situation. It means that you fully trust Him with any and every possible outcome. It means you do the best you can with what he has given you and leave the rest to Him.
Believer, fret not! His plans prevail! Can man truly thwart God’s master plan? Can Satan? The answer is no. No one can derail what he ultimately has for you. So why are you pushing God to the sidelines when He already promised to do all the heavy lifting?! If we can get it into our pea brains that God is a champion for His sons and daughters, we would see significant change in our lives. God can use unfairness and human evil for our good. When God wins the battle for you, He gets all the glory. When God “loses” a battle, he does it on purpose. Listen to Him say, “You didn’t want to win that one, trust me. There’s something better down the road.” Heed Gods word: be still, and He will fight for you.