If you had to guess, how many times do you think you have used the "f-word" to describe yourself or even someone else? Okay just so we are both on the same page, the "f-word" is fat. Body shaming needs to stop. Boys, this is not just an "issue" that girls deal with. As in, "Does this make me look fat?" has become the new "Does this look bad?", "She'd be cuter if she lost 10 pounds," "I would be prettier if I was skinnier." I could keep going.
We call ourselves and others this horrible "f-word" without even thinking twice. Even though this is such a common thing to say, it comes with harmful feelings and puts a lot of weight on your shoulders (hehe). I am guilty of this. We are all guilty of this. But, we have to start somewhere to stop the negativity that comes along with body-shaming.
Last year, big butts were in style. Then it was big boobs, then it was long hair, then it was short hair, then blondes, then tan skin, ugh I could keep naming more. Point is, looking a certain way should not be a "trend." Being the most beautiful version of yourself should be the trend. It doesn't matter the color of your hair, eyes, size on your jeans, size of your shoes, length of your hair, etc. Why can't we be happy with how God made us? I am preaching to myself as well.
There is not a perfect body type. We need to accept that we and everyone else has a unique body type. Everyone is not going to look like a model, not everyone is going to be curvy. And that is OKAY. Body shaming is not specific to either men or women, but I do believe that women deal with this on a much deeper level then men do. As women, we have much higher expectations put on us to look a certain way. As women, stop feeling too prideful to compliment other women. Even if it is simple as that you love her earrings. As women, we have created this sense of competition between each other and god forbid we compliment one another. Instead, we just have jealousy towards each other and I know you've heard this before but jealousy isn't cute!
At the end of the day, being happy and healthy should be the trend. If your happiness is 10 pounds "overweight" but you are enjoying your life, not depriving yourself of food, then so be it. If your happiness is having a six-pack, counting calories, and being a gym rat, then SO BE IT. Skinny does not mean beautiful. Gym rat does not mean healthy. You are healthy when you take care of yourself and wake up each day happy with who you are. I pray and hope that one day we, including myself, can make the conception of beauty and the idea of being in good shape unique to each and every person. We are not meant to all be the same. If we were all the same, that would be kind of boring. Don't you think?
Ban the "f-word."