The issue with today's society is that we expect others to act, and have the same heart as we do. And if I'm being very open and putting my pride to the side; this is something I have recently struggled with immensely. I have a tendency to expect others to be giving, and non-judgemental like I have worked hard to become. Truth be told though, this is not how reality is nowadays.
We are all at different points of our growth development, and we cannot expect others to be at the same point as we are because everybody grows at different paces and not the same. This leads to me to the second part of this topic, is that we are all not at the same stage of life; we are all going through our own battles, and steps in our lives. We can't expect others to be where we are, instead, we accept them for where they are and learn to love them with grace and gratitude instead.
So for all you girls and boys struggling with this remember that you are YOU and you make this world a better place with just being the best you that you can be rather that is someone who is going through battles or has overcome those battles. I encourage everyone that reads this to tell two or more people today how much you love and appreciate them because we truly never know the battles they faced today.