So many times I have heard people saying that the world is going down hill. That we are only becoming worse.
I've tried my best over the years not to believe it. To look to the positive side and say that it's not true. But, unfortunately, it's hard to be positive anymore.
It seems as though the population is inherently aggressive. No one seems to get along and support each other like they should. Instead, they attack and place blame on others so they don't have to deal with anything themselves.
I am amazed at the amount of disrespect individuals have for one another these days. It is extremely sad to see the horrible words being used for spite.
Is this really necessary? Has the population become so terrible that they must resort to tearing each other down?
Why does everyone feel the need to be demeaning?
It's so sad that I can no longer scroll through Facebook without seeing someone calling another person "stupid" for how they feel. It's sad that I can no longer enjoy reading happy posts from my family and friends because every other thing is see is hateful.
It is possible to disagree with someone without calling them a dumba**. IT IS POSSIBLE TO BE RESPECTFUL OF SOMEONE AND STILL GET YOUR POINT ACROSS.
I don't understand what people don't get about this. Does it make you feel good to call someone a "stupid f..."?
I hate seeing people criticized for doing things that make them happy. I hate seeing children bullied because they aren't "cool" enough. I hate seeing teenagers feel like suicide is the only option.
Not only has the adult population grown to be angry and antagonistic, the young population has also. And as much as they may want to blame it on kids going to school and learning from others, they learn so much more from adults. They are impressionable and they see the way people who are supposed to be grown act. When adults can get away with acting so demoralizing to others, children are taught that this behavior is not only normal, but acceptable.
So much blame is placed on the new generation, but stop and think about who raised this generation.
Everyone is at fault here.
The population has turned into one of hate, greed, and spite. Time is spent talking down to others instead of helping them. People complain when someone is rude to them, but give the same negative attitude to others without a second thought.
The problem is, no one thinks it's wrong when they are doing it themselves. But, when it is returned to them, it's terrible.
And the saddest part: most of those who complain about the world are the ones making it the way it is.
It's time for everyone to grow up. Time to act your age and set a positive example.
Who really wants to spend the rest of their lives angry and cynical? Who wants to feel like they can't be happy doing what they love because others are going to tear them down?
Do not be the reason for someone's agony. Do not force someone into depression because you're unhappy with your life. Do not be hateful to others because they don't have the same opinions you do.
And don't you dare complain about the problem if you're one of the people causing it.