Earlier today one of my good friends sent me a quote that states, "Stop constantly worrying about the next part of your life without realizing you're right in the middle of what you used to look forward to."
Little did I know how much I needed this reminder.
I remember when I was in high school, how ready I was to get to college. I was so excited to make new friends, be independent, and start over. Now that I am in the midst of tests, quizzes, and loads of homework I am tired of growing up.
I sometimes want to just go home and run away from all my problems. I know that college has been some of my best times and memories, but it is hard to balance the good from the bad when you start to think about the future.
During all walks of life, there are struggles, heartbreak, and times when we are fearful of the future. This quote was a reminder to me that we have to look past our fears and look at the bigger picture. We need to live in the moment and appreciate what we have been given.
Although college gives me much stress and anxiety, I have to realize what all good has been placed in my life. I have a stable friend group, a best friend that I have prayed for my entire life, and a campus full of amazing students that are just as grateful to be here as I am.
Not only do I have all these privileges in college, but I get to come home to a family that loves me and pays for my education. A doggie that I get to cuddle with and a sister that always knows how to make me smile.
In the midst of all the bad, there is good.
Now I understand that sometimes the good is not always prevalent in our lives. Our minds lead us to the bad and what we don't have. There are times that I am so consumed in my negative thoughts that I forget about what all I have grown to love. And that is where this quote comes into play.
No matter how rough and hard this life can be and how low the world can be, remember what you used to look forward to.
I used to pray for the privileges that I have now and I find myself praying for my future now. I pray for a husband that will love me, healthy children, and a stable job. And one day, when I may have all these things, I will still be looking at what I don't have.
I think we all need this reminder that life is full of ups and downs, but that we need to focus on the ups and count our blessings. We need to be thankful for what we have been given and tell our loved ones every day that we love them. We need to take care of ourselves and our mental health.
Let us not forget about how important our decisions are now, but instead recognize what we should be grateful for.