If there is one thing that I have learned, it is that complaining does not solve anything ... ever.
The older I get, the more work that seems to pile and the more I hear people complain. The only thing that runs through my mind in those times are, "Stop complaining, and start doing."
No one enjoys getting a bad grade on the test. Sometimes, we study and do not perform well, but other times we just do not study. It is up to you to stop complaining about your grades and being disappointed in yourself.
Sure, there are teachers that may not be the best or our favorite, but it is up to you to go to the library and go above and beyond to reach your dreams.
Sometimes, we become self conscience about our bodies. It is only natural due to how social media portrays how we should be. Although I believe that everyone is perfect the way they are, stop complaining if you are unhappy with yourself and start pushing yourself to eat healthier or go to the gym.
No one is capable of making you happier than your own self.
When going through a break-up, our natural instinct is to find everything about your ex-significant other that is wrong in your eyes. As opposed to beating yourself up and clogging your mind, start doing activities that make you happy and take your mind off of it.
Another person's flaws are not the key to your own happiness.
Given all of the challenges that life might throw at us, it sometimes appears that our only solution is to back down and complain. In the end, complaining only brings yourself down, as opposed to what you're complaining about. Take action of who you are and what you believe in. Finding happiness starts with holding your ground and making a change.