Ever since I was young, I always thought my friends were the coolest, smartest, and funniest people on the planet. So why didn't I just appreciate what they had going for them and not compare their success to mine? Why was I so focused on being cooler, smarter, and funnier than these women I called my friends?
I have this one friend, and we were very close back in the day. Then she moved across the country, and we fell out of touch a few years later. I still see her on Facebook, and I see the beautiful woman she has become. She is brilliant and every time she would post anything, I would compare myself to her. This is not fair to her or me. I should be happy for the success that she has and the success I have separately.
Why is it that women do this all over the world and seemingly have no power to stop it?
Now, I actually do think that just a little jealousy in friendship is OK because it means that we love our friend and are so proud of the life she has made.
Every time somebody posts about an amazing job or internship they just landed, studying abroad in the place they could never afford to travel to, or maybe they just got engaged, it's hard to not compare yourself to them. When it seems like they're taking leaps ahead in their life, they feel like they're simply standing still.
Can we please all just put our own crap off to the side for 10 minutes just so we can celebrate the success of one another? Just because she got this great thing before you did, doesn't mean that you never will. Everything happens in good timing, whether we asked for it or not.
So I ask, I beg of you women everywhere. Please try not to dwell on what's not happening in your life. Celebrate your success and her success. Support each other through the good and the bad, and never ever compare yourself to those around you. You're worth so much more than that. You were created to be nothing less than amazing, and that's exactly what you are doing! And I know social media makes it 10 times easier to compare yourself silently to your friends.
But please remember this: nobody ever posts the hard stuff on Facebook. Nobody Instagrams after a bad day. You don't, do you? Social media only shows the things people want everyone else to see. Not everybody has a perfect life -- in fact, nobody does. So please, love the life you have and believe in these words: "Their success is not your failure."