If you are comparing yourself to another woman, I want you to stop it right now.
We are all guilty of it, but it's not healthy. Whether it be your boyfriend's ex or the girl he picked over you, please don't do it. Comparison of any kind only hurts your self-esteem and it's always a blatant lie. It never fails to make you think of the worst.
Recently, I had an experience where a guy I liked for a long time picked another girl over me. I had it in my mind that we were on this road to success when my heart just got broken into pieces. I started picking myself apart and asking myself why he chose her over me.
My self-esteem sunk, I started seeing the best in her and the worst in myself. Every time I saw a picture of hers that got over 100 likes, I started feeling bad about my own number of likes on my photos. Trust me when I say that the day I stopped comparing myself to her I felt like a car had been lifted from my chest.
The truth is, it's extremely hard to not compare yourself to someone else especially if there are some hardcore feelings attached to it. You aren't her and she isn't you. Wouldn't it be boring if we were all the exact same? Our features are what makes us unique. Everything that is meant to her isn't necessarily meant for you and that's okay. It's always great to see the beautiful qualities in other women, but don't let that diminish your own.
There is nothing wrong with you. Just because she is beautiful doesn't mean you aren't. Yeah, she might be in a sorority and she might have a 3.9 GPA but you have an 115 IQ and a great singing voice. She doesn't have your laugh, and you don't have her smile.
There are so many positive attributes that you have that no one else has. Own them and tell yourself, that you are one of a kind.